tisdag 22 juli 2008

Fest i Nord

So it is over... This week really has been a rush. I was meaning to do a day by day report but I was far to tired for that. All I can say about it is that unexpected things happen fast. Three days ago I had no Idea that I was going to fall for someone in a matter of hours. Something that I just don't do. Well I did, and it leaves me slightly confused, but also really happy. The fact that she lives too far away to make visiting easy means it gets a bit complicated. But people have managed worse. I think it will be fine.

More Pictures from the week.

söndag 29 juni 2008

Where in Gothenburg? Challenge 1

It's been a while since I wrote here last. In that time I got a new computer, went sailing and spent midsummer with my brother and his wife plus some friends out in the countryside.

All of these things I will write about some other time. Now its time to unveil a new section of my blog! The "Where in Gothenburg?" photo challenge! The rules are simple: I will post a photo and its up to you to figure out where in Gothenburg I took it. It will be tricky though. No obvious shots. Answer by sending an email to dundee.michael@gmail.com. Include your name and a location. Whoever gets the closest wins.

A valid answer is a streetname, name of a facility nearby or the name of a part of the city. Again, whoever gets the closest wins. Points will be awarded to winners based on the exactness of their guess (streetname gets 3 points, facility gets 2 and area of the city gets 1, If you can describe exactly where on the street it is you get 4 or more depending on how good a description.) All photos are taken within the city limits (i.e. Not Mölndal or Partille etc.) Mark your emails with [Photo Challenge #] in the subject line. # representing the number of the challenge.

To start things of, here is the first challenge:

måndag 2 juni 2008

A nice evening

It was my first day back at work at DSV today. It's strange how even though I've been working other places for almost half a year it feels like I never left. Once I got my computer all set up and everything (and believe me it took a while. Had to reactivate my account for different services that are handled by different departments) it was business as usual. I will have to move eventually since I'm currently occupying the desk that the regional manager uses when visiting. I'll probably be deskhopping all summer. Ah well. Thats what life is when you are the vacation substitute.

After work I went in to town to be at the FHE. Not that many showed up and we ended up all going to Haga to have some Lejonet & Björnen Ice cream. All in all a really nice time just hanging out with friends and enjoying some first class ice cream (If you have never had Lejonet & Björnen I recommend it. Though you might have to come to Sweden to be able to find any.)

fredag 30 maj 2008

Clutter quiz

I just added a 20 question quiz over on my other blog. Go there and see if Clutter is a problem for you.

New Look!

No there is nothing wrong with your eyes. I just decided it was time for a new theme for my blog. Eventually I will create my own theme but for now I'll be using the standard themes. This one contains my favorite color (guess what it is!)

I also added a twitter reader. I've just started using twitter and could do with some followers:) we'll see if it is any good and if I'll be keeping it.


Some of you know I'm looking to buy a laptop soon. Well I thought I knew what I wanted but the vendors aren't making the choice easy for me. I finaly got dissuaded from buying the HP TX2020 that I was looking at. Apparently the touchscreen isn't very good.

So I was almost set on buying the new EeePC 901 once it hits the markets next week. But then Asus more or less confirms the existence of a EeePC 1000, and a soon to be unveiled tablet model. As if that wasn't enough choice Via anounces the OpenBook and Dell gives the world a peak of their Sub-notebook (which is by far the best looking in the bunch) on top of it all I might even consider a MacBook (yes, you read that right, you may now pick up your jaw from the floor) choices are never easy. For me the main question is: Will it run linux well? Then again I might just get myself a mac and just run linux on my mediacenter (the future fate of my current computer)

Ah choices. Such a blessing, such a curse...

onsdag 28 maj 2008

It is finished

The test is over. I cant call it a victory yet. It could swing both ways at this point but I will know in a month or so. In the mean time I'm having half a day at work after not sleeping much at all tonight so if I'm acting strange at the outreach center tonight you will know why. Also deep study mode is over and I will again be going to activities and showing up online. Will return with a proper blog entry later.

The final hours

I now have two hours until my test. I have been up since 4 am going through the material one last time. It feels pretty good. Wish me luck!

måndag 26 maj 2008

Focus Issues

Staying focused on studies is hard...

onsdag 21 maj 2008

Microsoft claims Africans don't understand OSS

Wow, this blog is meant to be a fairly lighthearted place (disregard that huge post a few weeks ago about experts:P) but this really made me sad. Microsoft is freaking out about the fact that South Africa is adopting ODF as a government document standard. With barely concealed prejudice they went ahead and made a statement more or less claiming that SA is to primitive to be able to fully understand OSS and it's benefits and that they should not focus on open source on the OS level but rather on the application level. Obviously they are fine with SA doing open source as long as they do it on top of Windows. They even have the audacity to claim that SA will somehow lose money by the fact that a patch or an application that they create can be picked up by a foreign vendor (such as Redhat or Novell.) As opposed to all the profit they will make by handing over their money directly to MS? The whole statement reeks of sour grapes and an attempt to play on other countries prejudices of Africa. Maybe someone should tell MS that Overt racism isn't the best PR trick these days.

Quick glossary for those who don't understand what I'm talking about:

ODF: Open Document Format. An international open ISO standard for digital documents. Used by virtually every major office application except Microsoft Office.

OSS: Open Source Software. Software licensed in a way that makes the source code freely available. This means anyone can modify and redistribute the software as long as they in turn grant others the same rights. Linux and Firefox are the two most well known examples of OSS.

OS: Operating System. The underlying system that all applications run on top of. Windows and Linux are examples of Operating Systems.

SA: South Africa

MS: Microsoft

I hope that clears it up a little bit.

As perspective to the article I want to mention that Ubuntu linux (Currently the most popular distibution of Linux) is lead by a South African.

read more | digg story

onsdag 14 maj 2008

Entering deep study mode

In about two weeks I have a test that it is very important that I pass. Because of this I am now initiating Deep study mode, which means a complete lockdown on computer usage in my free time. As of leaving work today I will not be available on MSN or any other social network, after work hours, for the next 14 days. I will still be going to family home evenings and institute lessons as well as any other meetings where I have obligations. The rest of the time I will be at my books.

Wish me luck!

måndag 12 maj 2008

Three good questions

All those who didn't make it to Family home evening at the outreach center tonight sure missed a great lesson. Elder Tolboe had the lesson and it was a really deep and thought provoking one. Basically it boiled down to three questions:

Why me? Why here? Why now?

We discussed it and a lot of points were brought up. The conclusion I took with me from the lesson was that I'm here right now because there is something here right now that needs to be done and I'm the only one that is able to do it. And the same goes for everyone. We are all here to do our part, a part that has been especially chosen for, and tailored to, our needs and our capacity. So we need to go out there and find out what it is. Or at least let the spirit guide us so that we may find our porpose and fullfill it. Maybe even without knowing that we do.

A few random pics

I just had to take a few pictures on my way from work today. It is slightly more chilly here now, but still just as beautifull. Enjoy!

Free music!

I found a great source of music the other day. Or rather, I knew about it for a while but the other day I discovered that they had a client embedded in the default music player of Ubuntu (Rhythmbox) it has, at this point, approximately 100000 free titles in all genres and languages. Though I did notice a certain bias towards french and german music, but that might just have been the store focusing on european music since thats where I'm from. All the music is free and distributed under a creative commons copyright license.

The quality of the music is surprisingly good. I immediately found a french artist called amandine that I really liked, though I still have no idea what she is actually singing. Any frenchspeakers that would like to download her album and try?

Jamendo survives mostly on donations but the user is not required to donate to be able to download. There are no DRM restrictions so the music can be listened to on any device. I know I'm sounding like an ad for Jamendo but I just feel that when someone in the music busyness finaly does the right thing they need support. And who knows, you might find some music by some artist that is absolutely amazing and that you would have never found otherwise. The address is http://www.jamendo.com/

If free things make you nervous and you want to pay for something then you might want to visit http://www.magnatune.com/. They have a very small catalogue of handpicked music of very high quality where you can pick your own price (but you do have to pay something.) Their artists get a good deal since they get half the money you pay (as opposed to 2-5% with the four big labels) Oh and did I mention they have it written in their license that you are allowed to share the music you bought with up to three people! And they are not involved with the RIAA, which alone should make the user experience that much more pleasant.

There you are. Two great sites for discovering fantastic music that is not being played on the radio or sold in the record stores.

Temple trip

Saturday was a fantastic day for a trip down to copenhagen. We started early (way early actually. 05:30 am to be exact) So I didn't get much sleep. As temple trips goes this one was fairly uneventfull. Except for first Eva then Erik missing the bus leaving the ferry.
I'm always fascinated with how fast I forget about most of my problems once I'm inside. It's like the world and its troubles cease to be important and the focus is on things of the spirit. Though after having slept for only an hour the night before sleepiness becomes an issue.
Either way. Temple trips. I recommend. Do it!

fredag 9 maj 2008

Summer in the city

Wow, things change fast! Lately the weather has gone from dreary and wet early spring/late winter to almost full on summer. Taking the bus to work is becoming an increasingly unpleasant experience (since the city is too cheap to invest in some good AC) and walking in the streets no longer require several insular layers and an umbrella.
And as always in Sweden the sun brings out the good mood in everyone. The first few days of sunshine it seemed like the population of the city doubled or tripled. And it's more or less impossible to feel down or miffed about anything.
All this business with sunshine and happy people milling about has put me in the mood of getting some summer music. Most of what I had was purged from my collection about a year ago when I decided it was time to become more... legal... in that department. I do have a nice little collection of good music. But most of it fits better with fall and winter. Listening to Kent in the blazing sunshine becomes quite a contrast. I'll have to pick up some of the old goodies like Gyllene tider, Joe Cocker, etc.

Do you have any good ideas for summer music to add to my playlist? Especially 60's and 70's music suggestions are welcome. Just leave a suggestion in the comments here.

onsdag 23 april 2008

Specialization, or the dictatorship of experts.

Warning: The following post will contain personal speculations and theories and may at times seem a bit tinfoil-hatty. Proceed with caution.

Lately I've been thinking about the things I want to do with my life. Inevitably I have come to the realization that I will never have time to delve into all the different fields that I'm interested in and that, over time, I have had to jettison several of my dreams in the interest of actually being able to fulfill at least a couple of them. Now I realize that this is all part of life and that the goal of it is to distill my own personal goals and strive towards them. In this process many directions and Ideas will be picked up, analyzed and, in many cases, discarded.

However! Sometimes I have felt bad about some of the compromises I've made. Sometimes I'm left feeling a bit empty. As if somehow I threw away too many of my dreams in order to fulfill a few of them. A lot of it has to do with sliming down my lifestyle and focusing on the core aspects of my current life: School, Work, Church, Friends and Girls. While this makes for a very efficient and goal oriented existence its not a very interesting one. Then I stumbled across this quote and instantly realized where I had gone wrong:

"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects."

-Robert A. Heinlein

The times in my life when I have felt like I lived a more interesting and fulfilling life were the times I did a lot of things half bad because I wanted to explore. While the times I've been miserable have been the times I only did a few things, but brilliantly.

We live in a society that celebrates brilliance in the narrow. Athletes devote years of their lives to doing a few specific things better then anyone else. Engineers study for years to become brilliant in their field of study. The salesman hones his skill in handling people in order to convince them to buy things from him. Don't get me wrong. All these are admirable things and brilliance should be celebrated. But there is a side effect:

What of the things we do not specialize in? How many brilliant physicists are left flustered by the subtleties of social interaction? How many athletes are woefully ignorant in the area of personal economy? How many brilliant artists seem to be lacking the basic skills of living a healthy responsible life?

In times of old this sort of thing would not be sustainable as one would have to deal with these problems or face the direct consequences. Today however you simply bring in a qualified expert to handle the area that you don't master. Or in other words, you throw experts and money at the problem until it goes away.

Again, qualifications are a good thing. I certainly want the man removing my appendix to be a certified surgeon, or the man piloting the airplane I'm sitting in to be a certified pilot. Hopefully among the very best at that. The danger however arises when we hire experts to do our thinking for us. Can we form an opinion on a subject today without being swayed or supported by an expert? How come, during election campaigns, we need experts on TV to analyze and interpret the candidates stances? Are we to lazy to inform ourselves and just proceed to throw an expert at the problem of choosing in order to make it go away? Are we so specialized into a few facets of the human existence that anything outside of it requires an expert to be understood or dealt with? An expert who in his/her turn will have to turn to other experts to handle the areas outside of his/her particular area of expertise.

What if the experts are wrong? What if the expert on TV isn't even a real expert but rather someone chosen specifically to analyze the facts in a way that coincides with the agenda of the broadcasters? What if we start feeling apathetic towards things outside of our specific are of expertise because we do not trust anyone but the experts to be able to make a difference?

This is exactly where a lot of us are today. The western democracies weren't built by scholars and intellectuals who carefully constructed society in a sterile lab environment. They were built by normal, fallible, weak human beings just like us. They didn't always understand every fine detail. They weren't educated in the arts of politics. What they did do was to take control of their own destinies. They informed themselves on as many areas as possible. The rise of the labour movement in europe was combined with a rise of education among the working classes. Not education that the government provided or even approved, but rather education they found themselves, and in large parts created themselves where existing schools wouldn't cover their needs.

Today we are in a situation where the average citizen couldn't get food anywhere but a store if their life depended on it. The large majority are not equipped to deal with the twists life might throw us. In my own case, if I were to find myself in the woods, with no access to civilization and be forced to survive on my own, my expertise in human-machine interaction and principles of design won't do a single thing to help me. Humanity as a whole is being conditioned to turn to an expert rather then to think for themselves. Preferably involving an exchange of money for the experts services. It's almost as if someone really wants us not to even try thinking for ourselves about the world around us.

I know I am guilty of this as much as anyone else. But in order to break this trend I intend to find my way back to my exploring, curious, dreaming and thinking self. To read up on a subject instead of trusting that one sound bite by the expert they had on TV.

There is so much more I could say about this but I feel I am already rambling (some of you will claim I did so from the first word of this post.) I did warn you!

Have a good night and please make sure to do something crazy and random tomorrow that you have long wanted to do but never quite got to.

fredag 7 mars 2008

Thoughts from a bored person,

Forgetting to add things to your calendar is a great way to make your average day more exciting. Today my landlord was going to do an inspection of my windows (probably in preparation for the upcoming renovation of my appartment) which had been duly anounced more then a week in advance with a letter. I put the letter on my pile of papers with every intention to put it in my calendar and then promptly forgot about it.

So you can imagine me in the middle of my morning routine, barely dressed when the dorbell rang. In an instant I remembered the paper and realised that if I didnt open more or less immediately he would assume I wasnt there and use the extra key to get in. So I had to quickly get something on and go open the door for him. (Have I ever mentioned how I hate having ppl in my appartment working when I'm at home. It just feels unwelcome and crowded somehow) Either way I'm making sure to get things into the calender promptly from now on...

måndag 3 mars 2008

Mornings... don't like them...

So morning came around and I was woken up by my alarm, in the middle of a pretty interresting dream (which I can no longer remember) no less. I attempted to push snooze but something went wrong and I turned the alarm off. Being too lazy to set a new alarm for a little later I decided it would be less of an effort to just get up. Yes you read that right! Laziness caused me to not just go back to sleep!

Not that it has been an imensly productive day so far or anything. I've been taking care of little things, wasted time at the computer and looked for some jobs. Yes the great hunt for a new job is still going on. Hopefully it will come to an end soon. I did get some scripture study in as well which I feel good about. Well, thats my day so far...

söndag 2 mars 2008

New blog, new subjects

Welcome to my new blog. Some of you may have wandered over from my other blog, My war on lazyness, and might wonder what this one is all about. My war on lazyness is all about personal productivity and its relation to me. This blog will be more of an ongoing dumping-ground for thoughts and events as my days go past. Hence the name, My random life. I will still keep updating my war on lazyness and keep putting up interesting info there but it will be decidedly more geared towards life handling skills etc.